Since 2008, Streebo have remained true to their core passion: accelerating the pace of technology automation with exceptional mobile and omnichannel experiences that engage, empower and excite.
Contact us for more informationA first-class personal interaction with your organisation is vital .
Ensure that both employees and customers rank you highly.
Systems that cause aggravation and stress to users do lasting damage to your goodwill and image.
It is key to growth and success that on-line systems are reviewed regularly from a user perspective to ensure that they are fully effective and a joy to use.
Getting the best out of your on-line systems is what we do
We can suggest how to bring in the changes needed and to make your systems easier and better to interact with. We can work with any cloud provider or system to give your end-users a similar experience across all platforms. We can turn a simple Q & A system into an interactive AI chatbot, that can switch to a live agent at any time, and back again – with full chat history visible (thus reducing annoyance).
Chats can also be switched to VOIP with a live agent, as well as receiving voice commands in the place of text, all with continuous text history recording (voice to text, and text to voice). The AI element is available to your live agents too on any call, thus making them more efficient and effective.
Furthermore, the AI chatbots can switch to collecting end-user details and order entry, once their query is satisfied, thus giving a wonderful continuous ‘same-place’ service to end-users.
Reduce back-office query handling by getting it right first time.
Enhance the Resolution of Employee Queries: Let employees self-serve their enquiries. Build an easy internal Policy Manual Bank that can be searched by an AI-using chat bot. Use existing documents with key subject matter and phrasing highlighted. Only then, if unsatisfied, invite them to chat to a member of HR support staff, as a live agent, a VOIP if absolutely necessary. Save your support staff many hours of searching and repeating actions. Keep them for working on really difficult issues only, but otherwise free up them.
System Transformation: Review your on-line communications systems for Employees and Customers and transform their experience.